New Hampshire ranks #1 for Taxpayer Return on Investment (ROI), according to the non-partisan personal finance website WalletHub. Their ranking is based on a combination of state taxes and the quality of “government services” received. They use a variety of objective quality-of-life criteria to measure government services received such as crime rate, high school graduation rate, and road quality.
WalletHub says there is a “tradeoff between how much tax you pay and what you receive in return from the government.” In other words, do you “get what you pay for”? If you pay high taxes, but your state has high crime, bad schools, and lousy roads, you are getting a low ROI. On the other hand, if you pay low taxes, and your state has low crime, great schools, and smooth roads, you are getting a high ROI.
New Hampshire comes out #1 on the list. We are ranked #1 on “Total Taxes Paid per Capita”, where #1 means the lowest. We come in at #6 on the “Government Services” where the #1 means the best services received. Thus, here in New Hampshire we’re getting the best ROI in the country for the taxes we pay.
Why is this? Simply, we have a Republican House and Senate. Looking at the rankings, there is a clear correlation between high taxpayer ROI and Republican control of state legislatures. Of the top ten states, nine have a Republican House and Senate. Of the bottom ten states, eight have a Democrat House and Senate. The median ranking of states with a Republican House and Senate is #19, while the median ranking of states with a Democrat House and Senate is #38.
So, when you go to the polls this fall, vote to maintain the Republican majority in the House and Senate. Let’s keep our Taxpayer ROI at #1!