1. Do you support a sales tax in New Hampshire?
I DO NOT support a sales tax.
Retailing is the second largest industry in New Hampshire and any sales tax would have a negative effect on retailers. A sales tax would raise the cost of goods and services for NH residents in the wake of high inflation.
Sadly, our opponents support imposing a sales tax to fund wasteful programs.
2. Do you support an income tax in New Hampshire?
I DO NOT support an income tax.
Freedom from state income taxes is a vital component of the New Hampshire Advantage. Because of our low taxes, New Hampshire has the best economy of all the New England states.
Unfortunately, our opponents support imposing an income tax to fund programs of questionable value.
3. Do you support restoring the dividends and interest tax in New Hampshire?
No. This tax unfairly targets senior citizens, since the average New Hampshire resident over 55 years old must pay this tax. I do not want to force our seniors out of the state. (Full disclosure: I pay this tax)
Our opponents support extending the dividends and interest tax.
4. Do you support any form of new tax in New Hampshire?
I, along with my fellow candidates Diane Layton and Terry Reiber, have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. The Taxpayer Protection Pledge opposes new taxes. We are opposed to any and all efforts to increase taxes.
Our opponents support imposing an income tax and a sales tax, and extending the dividends and interest tax. Our opponents have purposely not signed a Taxpayer Protection Pledge.
On October 9th, Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, spoke at St Anselm’s College to encourage incumbent lawmakers and candidates to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. The pledge is a written commitment to agree to oppose any and all tax increases. Pictured from Left to Right: Diane Layton, Grover Norquist, Terry Reiber, Russ Hodgkins.
5. Do you support New Hampshire becoming a sanctuary state?
I support LEGAL immigration. I DO NOT support NH becoming a sanctuary state.
I believe laws must be applied equally to all. I fully support legal immigration. I welcome law-abiding legal immigrants who want to make New Hampshire their home.
Our opponents voted FOR giving illegal immigrants sanctuary in New Hampshire.
6. Should illegal immigrants be issued New Hampshire driver’s licenses?
I DO NOT support NH driver’s licenses issued to illegal immigrants. I believe giving illegal immigrants driver’s licenses does little more than provide a government endorsement of those who have violated our laws for their own benefit.
Our opponents support NH driver’s licenses issued to illegal immigrants.
7. Should illegal immigrants be allowed to vote in NH?
I DO NOT support illegal immigrants voting in NH.
I believe voting in New Hampshire is a sacred component of citizenship. Allowing illegal aliens to vote disenfranchises the votes of legitimate New Hampshire citizens. Only U.S. citizens who meet the residency and domicile requirements in The New Hampshire Constitution have the right to vote in New Hampshire.
Appallingly, our opponents support illegal immigrants voting in NH.
8. Do you support the current New Hampshire abortion law?
I support the current NH abortion law.
New Hampshire’s current law protects women’s freedom to obtain an abortion for any reason up to six months of pregnancy, and provides exceptions in the last three months for fatal fetal anomalies and the life or health of the mother.
Our opponents do not support the current NH abortion law, but have supported legal abortions for any reason all the way through nine months.
9. The economy is a concern for Amherst residents. What can you do to help keep a strong economy in New Hampshire?
I support the New Hampshire advantage. Low taxes and efficient government offer the best opportunity for NH residents to prosper.
Sadly, our opponents attempt to eliminate our New Hampshire advantage by voting for sales, income, as well as dividends and interest taxes to fund inefficient programs.